Archive for June 21st, 2024

Cyber ​​fraudsters continue to commit fraud against users of the and platforms, reports with reference to information disseminated by the Electronic Security Service under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of Azerbaijan. Citizens posting ads on these platforms are sent messages from various numbers with the intention of purchasing a particular product. However, in order to receive payment for the goods, the citizen is provided with a fake Azerpost payment link, on which special sections have been created for receiving bank cards and other personal data of citizens.

The Electronic Security Service recommends that citizens do not trust such promises, do not click on links contained in messages received from unknown sources, and do not share bank card details and other personal information with strangers.

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Azerbaijan defines fines and punishments for getting engaged to a person under 16 years of age, APA reports. This is reflected in the new article. 189-1, proposed in the Code of Administrative Violations, discussed at today’s meeting of the parliamentary committee on family, women and children.

For this, a fine of one thousand to two thousand manats is provided, or, depending on the cases and taking into account the person who committed the violation, administrative arrest from one month to two months. To suppress these acts, it is proposed to include Art. 189-1.

The bill was put to a vote and passed in the first reading.

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Employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Drugs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan detained three drug couriers who were trying to smuggle 60 kg of marijuana into the country, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During a special operation in Baku, Talat Muradov, Shahlar Gasimov and Famil Aliyev were detained. During the search, in addition to marijuana enriched with psychotropic substances, they also seized heroin, methamphetamine, 8,780 methadone tablets and electronic scales used in the sale of drugs. The investigation established that the detainees entered into a conspiracy with Iranian citizens Subkhan and Razi (identities are being established) to organize drug supplies into the country. Couriers received the smuggled “goods” on the sea coast in Sumgayit.

T. Muradov, Sh. Gasimov and F. Aliyev, being key figures in organizing drug trafficking in the country, planned to distribute the resulting large batch of marijuana to different addresses in Baku in order to obtain material benefits.

A criminal case was opened on this fact, all three were arrested by court order. Operational and investigative activities continue.

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