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Public prosecutor demands imprisonment for Intigam Aliyev

On14 April, 2015 the Baku Court on Grave Crimes held another hearing on the case of imprisoned lawyer Intigam Aliyev, APA reports.

The representative of the International Bank Namig Hasanov gave testimony at the hearing chaired by judge Rasim Sadigov. Hasanov said that he and other bank officers have carried out payment transactions in the Legal Education Society. The bank representative mentioned that he checked all signatures while carrying out the payment transactions.

Then, Intigam Aliyev was offered to give testimony at the hearing. The defendant said that his documents were seized at the office during the preliminary investigation and not given back yet.

The judge said that the state bodies were made requests regarding those documents and the court received a letter of response. The letters says that no any document was seized at the office during the investigation.

Intigam Aliyev said that he will make speech after the documents are returned to him.

Then unconsidered appeals made by the defendant at previous hearings were discussed.

The public prosecutor Farid Naghiyev made a speech. Public prosecutor demanded 10-year imprisonment for Intigam Aliyev.

Lawyer of Intigam Aliyev, Shahla Humbatova asked the court for time to make a defense speech.

The hearing will continue on April 21.

Aliyev faces charges under the Criminal Code’s articles 213.1 (tax evasion), 308.2 (abuse of power), and #192.2 (illegal business) and 179.3.2 (assignment or waste).

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