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Court verdict against participants of illegal armed groups

On July 1, 2015 Baku Court of Grave Crimes completed the hearing on the cases of Azerbaijani citizens – Vilayat Hasanli, Malik Musayev, Hashimov Samir, Vasif Hajiyev, Ilkin Babazade, Mehman Balakishiyev, Azer Gambarov, Vusal Bayramov, Vugar Dursunaliyev and Elvin Dursunaliyev, who are convicted of fighting in Syria, APA reports.

The court issued a verdict. According to the verdict, Vugar Dursunaliyev was sentenced to 15 years, his son Elvin 4 years, Malik Musayev and Azer Gambarov 13.6 years and others 14 years in prison.

As a result of the operation conducted by the National Security Ministry, 26 Azerbaijanis were detained were creation of armed formations or groups, which are not provided by the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also participation in their creation and activity, supplying them by weapon, ammunition, explosives, military engineering or military equipment, as well as involving of minor to criminal activity by a person, obliged to bring up a minor and other illegal acts.

Vuqar Dursunaliyev has incited an underage person to commit a violent crime. Thus, Vuqar Dursunaliyev, for his underage son, 15-year-old Elvin Dursunaliyev’s further strengthening his radical religious views, has incited him to join the illegal armed groups in Syria and paying all his transport costs sent him to Syria for him committing violent crimes within the armed groups.

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