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Courts sessions on case of L. Yunus

Baku Court of Grave Crimes continued a hearing on the criminal case of Leyla Yunus, the imprisoned director of the Institute for Peace and Democracy, and his husband Arif Yunus, APA reports on 27 July, 2015.

In course of the session Rena Safaraliyeva, executive director of Transparency Azerbaijan, gave testimony at the hearing. She said that she worked together with Leyla Yunus. “I was chairwoman of the Society of Women of Azerbaijan for Peace and Democracy in the Near Caucasus and Leyla Yunus was a deputy chairperson. We together opened an account at Unibank. I left the society in 2006 and Leyla Yunus undertook all the obligations. I submitted an appeal about my resignation, but then it was revealed that no measure was taken in this regard,” she said.

Then Safaraliyeva answered the questions of public prosecutor Farid Naghiyev, lawyers and Leyla Yunus. She said that she suffered moral and material damages as a result of Leyla Yunus’s activity.

Witness Evez Hasanov said that he knows Arif Yunus, they attended the event in Armenia. Employees of Unibank, Mehriban Babayeva, Aleddin Shikaliyev, Mustegim Abdullayev, Nigar Alizade and Nigar Garibova also gave testimonies. They confirmed the testimonies they gave during the preliminary hearing.

The hearing will be continued on July 28.

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