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General Prosecutor’s Office about F. Gahramanli arrest

Deputy Chairman of Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (APFP) Fuad Gahramanli has been arrested.

He was brought to justice as a suspect under the Article 281.1 (public calls against the state) and 283.2 (incitement of national, racial, social or religious enmity and hatred by using violence) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, the Prosecutor General’s Office said in a statement on Dec.9, 2015, reports.

According to the statement, though Fuad Gahramanli, was summoned to the investigation department for grave crimes of the Prosecutor General’s Office via a phone call on Dec.8 and was interrogated in regard to the criminal case launched on an armed criminal group that is accused of carrying out religious extremist activity in Nardaran township on Nov.26 and other criminal acts.

The Prosecutor General’s Office has gathered plenty of evidence that since September 2015, Fuad Gahramanli on his Facebook profile has been calling citizens to rise up against the government, acting in a manner apparently aimed at causing religious hatred and animosity among different Islamic sects. There are reasonable suspicions of him having been of the masterminds of the Nardaran incident and have attempted to promote religious discrimination.

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