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Ministry of Taxes prohibited 160 debtors to leave the country

In Azerbaijan about 160 physical persons, who have tax debts, are restricted to leave the country. This was told by F. Mammadov, Minister of Taxes in his interview of Azertag, the state agency, informs.

According to alterations made in Migration Code, tax authorities may apply to court and temporarily restrict leaving of country as citizens so foreigners and persons without citizenship, who have tax debts.

In compliance with new rules, entrance and departure from country might be limited not only for physical persons but also for legal entities, the minister noted.

F. Mammadov did not exclude in future extension of the same measures in respect of taxpayers.

“According to article 73 of the Constitution of Azerbaijan, timely and completely payment of the taxes and other state fees, providing by legislation, is a duty of each person, and if everybody pays his debts then it would not be applied to such measures”, he said.

F. Mammadov emphasized that the Ministry will continue to apply the measures to prevent evasion of tax payment, to strengthen tax discipline and formation of favourable business environment, especially for small and medium businesses.

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