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Criminal case in respect of a lawyer A. Mammadov

It is instituted a criminal case in respect of Adam Mammadov, a lawyer, APA reports.

The criminal case was instituted by Investigation Department of the Ministry of Justice. According to the lawyer, the reason for this was a complaint of Habil Veliyev, a chief editor of “Gündəlik Bakı” newspaper. He filed a complaint, claiming that the laywer had insulted and beaten. However, the lawyer denies this. He says that on the contrary, during the trial Habil Aliyev himself insulted him.

Mammadov also noted that in connection with this matter, he addressed to President Ilham Aliyev, the prosecutor Zakir Garalov, the Deputy National Security Ministry Madat Guliyev and others.

The editor of the newspaper “Gündəlik Bakı” Habil Veliyev said that Mammadov insulted him: “Several months ago, during a session of the court of Yasamal district Mammadov threw me a book and a pen. It happened in front of the judges. After this record was drawn up and initiated a criminal case”.

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