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Criminal case on journalist R. Aliyev’s death submitted to court

Materials associated with the criminal case on the death of Journalist Rasim Aliyev have been sent to court, the Baku city prosecutor’s office told APA. 

The investigation into the criminal case on the fact of Baku city resident Rasim Aliyev having been beaten to death in the Bayil area on 8 August has come to a close,

The bill of indictment on the cases of Kenan Madatov, Jamal Mammadov, and Samir Mustafayev (charged with deliberate causing of serious harm to health, on imprudence entailed to death of a victim (Article 126.3)) as well as Elshan Ismayilov and Arif Aliyev (charged with theft (Article 177.1)) have been confirmed and submitted to the Baku Court on Grave Crimes on December 22. 

Another criminal case in separate proceedings has been opened on charging Javid Huseynov with not informing about crimes and obviously not promised concealment of crimes (Article 307.1) and with obviously not promised concealment of minor serious crimes (Article 307.2) and will soon be sent to the court. 


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