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MIA of Azerbaijan: results of activity in 2015

Azerbaijan has exposed a criminal group that intended to forcibly change the constitutional structure and create a Sharia state, told APA in the meeting of the Interior Ministry’s Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime on the results of 2015 and objectives for the future.

Measures taken against religious radicalism revealed a criminal group that intended to forcibly change the constitutional structure and set up a Sharia state. A large number of firearms and explosives that group members were willing to use against law enforcement authorities were seized.

The Main Directorate revealed 8.9 percent of facts over illegal possession of weapons during the reporting period. The number of crimes decreased by 2.7 times and seized weapons – 2.5 times in comparison with the previous year.

43 facts about illegal drug trafficking and about their sale were discovered, and over 40 kg narcotic drugs were seized.

As a result of measures taken, two gangs comprising 19 people that committed crimes against property were neutralized in Baku, Sumgayit, Gabala and Aghsu. 

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