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General Prosecutor’ Office on corruption charges

The Main Anti-Corruption Department under Azerbaijan’s Prosecutor General made public the report on the outcomes of 2015, says

Deputy Prosecutor General, head of the Main Anti-Corruption Department under the Prosecutor General, Kamran Aliyev said at the press conference that the department conducted preliminary investigations over 460 crimes in 2015. “145 of the investigations were launched by the department, 90 criminal cases underwent separate proceedings, 62 criminal proceedings were renewed, proceedings were launched on 47 criminal cases submitted by relevant authorities through Prosecutor General’s Office, 116 criminal cases opened in 2014 remained unresolved.”

Aliyev said that these crimes were mainly related with misappropriation or embezzlement, fraud, abuse of power, bribe taking, bribe giving, trading in influence, use of counterfeit documents, misappropriation of official authority, forgery, laundering crime-money and others.

Aliyev noted that operational groups launched 27 criminal cases against 31 persons. As a result of operations, 16 officials were detained on corruption charges, 13 criminal cases were launched on 15 persons.

The department investigated 190 materials of criminal character, launched criminal cases on 138 materials under various articles, 51 materials were rejected and one was submitted to the relevant court. 

23 of them were related with bribery, 35 with abuse of power, 66 with fraud, 32 with embezzlement, 12 with use of counterfeit documents, 4 with bankruptcy fraud, 4 with illegal business, 14 with others.

Recommendations were sent to 22 different government agencies and officials to eliminate law violations and circumstances that could lead to such violations in the future.


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