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Azerbaijani interior minister: the last year it decreased a number of crimes

As many as 348 crimes were solved, 11,713 traffic accidents were registered and 111 wanted vehicles were arrested in Azerbaijan last year thanks to video surveillance services “Safe City”, Interior Minister, Colonel General Ramil Usubov said on Jan.26, 2016.

He made the remarks at the meeting dedicated to outcomes of the fight against crime and maintenance of public order and security in 2015.

In general, 82.4 percent of crimes were solved in 2015, up 1.7 percent compared to 2014, said the minister.  

According to Usubov, as many as 2,534 persons evading from investigation and prosecution were detained in 2015, up 1.4 percent compared to 2014.

Whereabouts of 74 persons declared wanted by the Interpol National Central Bureau and 31 declared wanted by Interpol’s member states were detected last year, the minister said.

In addition, 13,392 people responsible for various crimes, as well as 2,457 people responsible for grave and especially grave crime were prosecuted during the reporting period, Usubov said, adding as many as 923 criminal groups responsible for 2,637 crimes, 842 of which were grave and especially grave crimes, were neutralized.

As a result of operations aimed at protecting the economic security of the state, counterfeit 71,000 manats, 79,100 US dollars and 225,000 rubles, as well as over 6 tons of expired food and construction materials were seized, the minister completed.

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