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Court brought verdict against accused in journalist’s death

Baku Court of Grave Crimes on Friday passed a verdict against those guilty of journalist Rasim Aliyev’s death, APA reports.

According to the verdict, since no evidence was found of Kanan Madatov and Samir Mustafayev having conspired with others, the articles under which they had been charged were recommended to be re-qualified in articles 32.5 and 126.

Elshan Ismayilov has been sentenced to 13 years in prison, Arif Aliyev – 12.5 years, Jamal Mammadov – 11 years, Samir Mustafayev and Kanan Madatov – 9 years each.

The guilty had objected to the charges against them, pleading no guilty.  

A state prosecutor had demanded 14 years in prison for Elshan Ismayilov and Arif Aliyev each, 12 years for Jamal Mammadov, and 11.6 years months for Samir Mammadov and Kenan Madatov.

On Aug. 8, journalist Rasim Aliyev was beaten by a group of unknown persons and died in the hospital he had been admitted to with numerous bodily injuries.

Due to the fact, Kenan Madatov, Jamal Mammadov, Samir Mustafayev, Elshan Ismayilov, Arif Aliyev, and football player Javid Huseynov were arrested. After a while, a separate criminal proceeding was launched against Javid Huseynov.

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