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Detained for apartment’s robbery

Law enforcement bodies of the capital in territory of Yasamal District was detected a crime, APA reports with reference to the Baku Police Department and Prosecutor’s office.

On 27 July 2016 at 11 a.m. Y. Ramazanov and N. Aliyeva, representing themselves as employees of gas operation service, entered in home of her mother-in law in Yasamal District. Criminals has tied her and caused numerous bodily injuries. They had stolen the gold items from home.

At this fact investigation department of Yasamal District Police Department has instituted criminal case under article 181.2.3 (robbery committed with illegal penetration into dwelling) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan Republic.

In result of operation actions Y. Ramazanov and N. Aliyeva were detained as suspected persons. Court, as restraint measure made a decision to arrest them.

Investigative actions on this case are under way.

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