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Prosecutor demands 17 years imprisonment to J. Hajiyev

On 27 September 2016 in Baku Court on Grave Crimes has been continued court process on criminal case of J. Hajiyev, a former Board’s Chairman of “International Bank” JSC and other accused persons, APA reports.

In court session chaired by Judge A. Hajiyev, made a speech a public prosecutor. He has required depriving on 3 years a right to hold positions in public and local bodies of administrations of J. Hajiyev and other accused persons. In addition, he required depriving of freedom of  J. Hajiyev in 17 years, Muhammad Abdullayev – 8 years, Yusif Alakbarov – 11 years, Ibrahim Huseynov – 11 years, Anar Sultanov – 8 years, Muhammad Jahagirov – 8 years, Kenan Orujev – 7.6 years, and Azad Javadov – 12years and 11 months.

Public prosecutor noted that both J. Hajiyev and Zamira Hajiyeva and others had plundered the state property and committed an official forgery. He required using the valuable items that seized from their home to cover the debt. A representative of the bank, in turn, asked the court to ensure of covering material losses of the bank.

The lawyers asked to provide them with time to prepare. Process is scheduled on 3 October 2016.

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