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Court verdict for fighting in Syria

On 12 October 2016 the Baku Court on Grave Crimes completed the hearing in the criminal case of Zohrab Mammadov, an Azerbaijani citizen convicted of fighting in the ranks of the “Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar” armed organization in Syria, APA reports.

At the hearing presided over by judge Azer Orujov, attorney Adem Mammadov asked the court to acquit Mammadov due to his health problems.

Then, the court passed a judgment to sentence the accused to 12 years and 6 months in prison.

According to the official information, Zohrab Mammadov, detained on suspicion of being involved in the creation of armed groups, not provided by the legislation of Azerbaijan, and participating in their activities, providing them with ammunition and equipment, holding military exercises outside the territory of Azerbaijan on the grounds of religious hatred and committing other illegal actions, actively fought in the ranks of the “Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar” armed organization and received several injuries.

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