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Azerbaijani border guards detain wanted people

On October 2016, Azerbaijan’s border guards detained 369 people wanted by the country’s law-enforcement bodies, the Boarder Service told APA on November 10, 2016.

The border guards detained 25 people in 19 cases of violation of the state border during the reporting period.

Of them, 13 are citizens of Azerbaijan, 3 – Georgia, 3 – Uzbekistan, 2 – Tajikistan, 2 – Russia, and one from each country such as Iran and Turkey.

The smuggling of drugs with total weight of over 7 kilograms was prevented last month.

As a result of measures taken, the smuggling of goods totally worth over 698,000 manats in 73 cases including 9 rifles, over 8 kg of gold, a pneumatic pistol, 15 cartridges, a brass knuckles, 167 religious books, a laptop, over 5 million Russian rubles, 8,469 boxes of cigarettes of various brands, 120 mobile phones, 3 boats, 600 fishing rods, different medicines, industrial and agricultural products.

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