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IS-trained man imprisoned

On 11 November 2016 Baku Court of Grave Crimes held a hearing in the criminal case of Zarbali Abdullazade, who has undergone training within the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS, ISIL or Daesh) and other terrorist organizations.

A judge declared the judicial investigation into the case completed. A public prosecutor demanded the court to sentence the accused person 12 years in prison.  

Following the attorney, Abdullazade made his final plea, claiming that he went Syria not to fight but to live.  

Then, the court passed a judgment sentencing Abdullazade 10 years in prison. Abdullazade was detained on suspicion of being involved in the creation of armed groups, not provided by the legislation of Azerbaijan, and participating in their activities, providing them with ammunition and equipment, holding military exercises outside the territory of Azerbaijan on the grounds of religious hatred and committing other illegal actions.

It was revealed that Z.Abdullazade illegally crossed into Syria and Iraq in 2012-2015.

He received military and religious trainings within the IS terrorist group and other terrorist organizations illegally operating on the territories of those countries and gained experience in using various types of firearms. After undergoing the trainings, he joined military operations and battles in Syria and Iraq in the ranks of regular terrorist and other illegal armed groups.

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