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Azerbaijan detains 16 foreigners for illegal hunting in 2016

Sixteen foreigners (citizens of the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria) have been detained in Azerbaijan for illegal hunting in 2016, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources told APA. 

They were detained for attempted poaching in the administrative territories of Beylegan, Imishli, Hajigabul, Bilasuvar, Khizi, Khachmaz and Guba districts and in the Aghgol National Park, added the ministry. 

According to the ministry, 193 shotguns, 632 cartridges were seized from 213 Azerbaijani citizens detained during raids in 2016.

Protocols were drawn up on 200 detainees and they were fined 193,317 manats under the Code of Administrative Offences. Necessary measures have been taken to identify 29 offenders.

The ministry has sent a request to the State Migration Service for the foreigners to be deported. 

The ministry stated that raids are underway in order to prevent the cases of illegal hunting in the country.

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