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Court verdict to participants of nardaran events

According to APA, on 25 January 2017 the Baku Court on Grave Crimes completed the hearings of the criminal case concerning Taleh Baghirov, Fuad Gahramanli and others arrested alongside them.

According to the court judgment, Taleh Baghirov was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Other defendants – Abbas Huseyn was sentenced to 20 years and Fuad Gahramanli to 10 years in prison.

Earlier, a public prosecutor had asked the court to sentence Taleh Baghirov to life in prison.

Taleh Bagirov is charged under paragraphs 120.2.1, 120.2.3, 120.2.4, 120.2.7, 120.2.12 of article 120 (premeditated murder), 29,120.2.1, 29,120.2.3, 29,120.2.4, 29,120.2.7, 29,120.2.12 29,120 of article 29,120 (attempt to murder), under articles 228.3 (illegal purchase of firearms) and 228.4 (illegal possession of firearms).

Taleh Bagirov and 60 more people were detained in a special operation conducted by law-enforcement authoritries in Baku’s Nardaran settlement on November 26, 2015.

Deputy chairman of Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (APFP) Fuad Gahramanli was arrested on December 8, 2015.

He was brought to justice as a suspect under the Article 281.1 (public calls against the state), 283.2 (incitement of national, racial, social or religious enmity and hatred by using violence) and 220.2 (appeals to active insubordination to legal requirements of representatives of authority and to mass disorders, as well as appeals to violence above citizens) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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