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The former head physician was released in the courtroom

On 24 July, 2017 the Baku Court for Grave Crimes completed hearings the trial on the criminal case of the former head doctor of the Narcological Dispensary of Baku Huseyn Hasanov and the registrar of the dispensary Matanat Shamchiyeva.

According to, at the trial chaired by Judge Afgan Hajiyev, a verdict was read out, according to which G. Hasanov was sentenced probation with a probation period of 2 years. Matanat Shamchieva was also sentenced probation and with the same probation period.

It should be noted that on the basis of citizens’ complaints received at the “Hotline 161” that the Narcological dispensary of Baku requires money for issuing a certificate of registration, the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General and the Ministry of Health conducted a joint investigation. As a result of the investigative-operative measures, there were grounds to assert that in January-February 2017 the chief doctor of the Narcological Dispensary of Baku, Huseyn Hasanov, through the dispensary’s recorder Matanat Shamchiev, extorted from various citizens a certain amount of money for issuing a certificate of registration.

In this regard, the General Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General initiated a criminal case. An indictment was filed under Article 311.1 (taking bribes). By a court decision, a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen with respect to these persons.

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