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Communications Ministry’s ex-official sentenced to 13 years in prison

Former head of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies Apparatus, Vidadi Zeynalov, has been sentenced to 13 years in prison, informs

At the trial presided over by Afghan Hajiyev the verdict has been read out, according to which the former chairman of the Production Association ‘Baku Telephone Communications,’ Baytulla Huseynov has also been sentenced to 13 years in prison, whereas the director of LLC ‘Optik Rabitə, Tikinti və Quraşdırma,’ Namazaly Mammadov to 11 years in prison.

According to the verdict, accused Emin Mammadov was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, Anar Mustafayev to 5 years in prison, Gambar Beybalaev to 3 years in prison.

The court also sentenced Muhammad Mammadov, Oqtay Rustamov, Sahlab Humbatov, Jalil Jafarov, Bayram Veliyev to 2 years probation. They were released in the courtroom.

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