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Arrested officials of the Ministry of Communication and High Technologies

According to APA, in result of the inspections conducted in the Ministry by the Main Department on Combat to Corruption under the General Prosecutor, there have disclosed a number of serious offences and corruption facts, it the cases of bribery, corruption, and appropriation of state property have been quite commonplace at established the Ministry of Communication and High Technologies. Along the ministry’s administration, “generals” of the National Security Ministry have also been involved in the appropriations. The illegal acts have in most case taken place on a direct order from them.

Among the arrested come the ministry’s chief of staff Vidadi Zeynalov, director of International Relations and Accounting Center Jalil Jafarov, director general of the Baku Telephone Network Production Association Beytulla Huseynov, Director General of Azerpoct LLC Ganbar Beybalayev, deputy chief of the security department Vali Mahmudov, and general accountant of the Aztelekom Production Association Ogtay Rustamov, and also Namazali Mammadov, director of the contractor company executing the ministry’s construction orders.

Minister of Communications and High Technologies Ali Abbasov has been dismissed from his post upon the decree of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Government’s sources told APA that some officials of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies were involved by the former leadership of the National Ministry Security in the actions of harassment of entrepreneurs, the limitation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, illegal wiretapping, etc.  

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