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Who and how peculates public funds

According to APA, it became known a content of the testimonies holding in custody Vidadi Zeynalov, a former head of apparatus of the Ministry of Communication and High Technologies, which he gave during investigation.

According to information, V. Zeynalov in his testimonies admitted his guilt pointed out the following:

“There are two associations, five LLCs and three departments are operating under the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies. During my work in position of the head of apparatus under the instruction of Minister Ali Abbasov, the head of Baku Telephone Network Production Association Beytullah Huseynov gave on monthly basis 200,000 manats in 2009. ”

In 2012, when the association’s revenues increased, he gave 300,000 manats and even 500,000-600,000 manats in January-February.

In the end of each month Beytullah Huseynov was received by Ali Abbasov and reported about the revenues of the association and funds he would give. 

“After these visits B. Huseynov was meeting with me and saying that the association’s chief accountant Anar Mustafayev would keep in touch with me. Then Anar Mustafayev was giving the revenues of the association, aforementioned amount of funds and written notes to me. I was estimating revenue and expenditure and giving the total amount to Ali Abbasov. I was keeping the funds I received in the safe of my cabinet”.

Zeynalov in his testimonies also noted that Baku Telephone Network Production Association and Aztelekom LLC were giving monthly funds. Azerpocht LLC was giving monthly 50,000 manats, the Data Processing Center 50,000 manats, the International Relations and Accounting Center 220,000-240,000 manats. 

According to testimonies of V. Zeynalov, in connection with each of indicated payments the heads of associations and departments informed in advance the minister and came to agreement with him about the amount to be paid. The collected funds were then allocated on the minister’s order. Of this amount, he sent a monthly amount of 50,000 dollars to Teymur Guliyev, ex-head of the Monitoring Center of the liquidated National Security Ministry, for a year and half via his driver and a monthly amount of 100,000 dollars to Subahir Gurbanov, ex-head of the Main Directorate for Combating transnational economic crime, via his driver since 2011.

Moreover, he gave 200,000 to 300,000 manats of the monthly collected funds to the minister himself for his personal affairs. And an amount of 520,000 manats were distributed among the ministry’s other officials via department heads. Approximately 50,000 manats were spent on holidays and purchasing gifts for guests.

Moreover, he was given 30,000 manats initially and 50,000 manats in the past two years. The deputy ministers were given 15,000 to 20,000 manats initially and 30,000 manats in the past two years.

Former head of Baku Telephone Network Production Association Beytullah Huseynov indicated in his testimonies that in 2009-2015 with leadership of the Ministry of Communication were increased in 20-25% the prices on repairing and construction works that conducted by Production Association, and purchasable materials; it was instructed to give back  to the ministry 80% funds received.

B. Huseynov pointed out that on instruction of the former minister Ali Abbasov the chief accountant of Association Anar Mustafayev had informed in the end of every month to an official of the ministry concerning the funds received due to increasing of the prices in works and materials.

After that A. Mustafayev directly reported to the head of apparatus, and on his instruction had handed him 80% funds received. Thus, A. Mustafayev had paid in the first months to the ministry’s official 200,000-250,000 manats, and the next months – 100,000-150,000 manat, in total 10 million manats.

In addition, B. Huseynov indicated that after payment to the ministry’s official, the money left he gave in envelope to A. Mustafayev – 7,000 manats, B. Veliyev, adirector of Bakı Rabitə Tikinti Təmir LLC, – 1,500 manats, the chiefs of the departments of the Association – on 500-700 manats (total 4,000-5,000 manats). In addition, for construction of the home he had paid to Iltimas Mammadov, a deputy of the minister – 1,5 million manats”.  

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