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Kickbacks of Ministry of Communication continued publication of the materials of criminal case on embezzlement in the Ministry of Communication.

One of those, who was arrested on corruption’s case in the Ministry of Communication is Emin Mammadov, a Director General of Rabitə Mülki Tikinti LLC and Rabitə Təmir Tikinti LLC. The official was arrested on 21 October 2015. In course of investigation he stated that headed by him companies had used by the leadership of the Ministry of Communication for laundering of money.

Emin Mammadov confessed to the investigators that on instruction of the chief of Baku Telephone Network Production Association Beytullah Huseynov he cashed in 45% funds that allocated to his company and handed money to B. Huseynov.

Emin Mammadov stated that this money they receievd in result of artificially inflated estimates on conducted works. According to him, on the rules established in the Minisrty of Communication, 45% all funds, which allocated by the ministry to various works and services, had to be cashed in and returned to the leadership of the ministry.

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