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4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Fair trial: Illusions and Reality”

October 20, 2012 in Baku will host the 4th International scientific-practical conference “Fair legal proceedings: Illusions and Reality”.

All are invited.

Applications are accepted until September 15, 2012 at the e-mail:

Conference materials will be published as a collection of articles and posted on the website  in our “Library”

The terms of participation can be found at

Working languages at the conference are Azerbaijani, English and Russian.

Each application should specify a topic of presentations, provide abstracts (up to 1 page), your name, contact details and if applicable the name of the organization you are presenting, how you will be participating (direct or distance), your date of arrival, and if require a hotel reservation.

Speaking time is up to 20 minutes.

Each participant will be required to submit a written copy of their presentation at the end of the conference.

In order to participate in the conference a registration fee 100 manat should be made to the account № 3811.840.06.170775.01 in Nasimi branch of “Bank Respublika” (a / c 0137010014944, code 508472, Baku, D. Aliyeva Street, 243) (Shiraliyeva Sabina Javanshir). This fee also cover the cost of written compliation of all speeches and its delivery.

Expenses for travel, accomodation and meals are the resposibility of each participant.

Place and time of the conference will be announced later.

Organizer: International Organization for Legal Research.

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