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Juridical Sciences and Education no. 54

Juridical Sciences and Education. Journal no. 54 – Baku, 2018 – I quarter – 269 p.

The edition has been published since May, 2003.

The initial name was “Science and Education. (Law). The collection of scientific articles”.

The journal is published the original works which reflect results of the study and resolution of current problems in the field of law and education.

Articles are published in Azerbaijani, English and Russian languages.

State registration certificate no. 359 for the media from 15.03.2003

ISSN 2304-1730 (print), ISSN 2304-1749 (online)

The journal is indexed in the international databases: Elektonische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (Germany), Index Copernicus (Poland), Ulrichsweb (USA).


Journal is a member of Publishers International Linking Association (PILA – Crossref).


Higher Attestation Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic included the journal “Juridical Sciences and Education” in the list of publications recommended for publishing of the main provisions of dissertation research on the legal sciences (Decision no. 07-R from 16.05.2014).

Journal’s activity is carried out in compliance with recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (see “Journal policy”)


The Founders

University “Tafaccur” and International Organization for Legal Researches


Editorial Board of the journal “Juridical Sciences and Education”


Editor in Chief

Suleymanov J.I., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan)

Deputies of Chief Editor

Craze L., Doctor of Psychology (Israel)

Shiraliyeva S.J., PhD in Law (Azerbaijan)


Editorial Board

Averyanova T.V., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Russia)

Bitensky S., Doctor of Law, Professor (USA)

Dzhansarayeva R.Ye., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Kazakhstan)

Dikayev S.U., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Russia)

Konovalova V.E., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Ukraine)

Leps A., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Estonia)

Mustafazade A.I., Doctor Juridical Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan)

Porubov N.I., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Belarus)

Rahimov I.M., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Azerbaijan)

Roberts P., Doctor of Politics, Professor (USA)

Rubis A.S., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Belarus)

Tsatsanashvili M., Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor (Georgia)


Executive Secretary

Engel S., Doctor of Psychology (Germany)




Tel: 99412-4969573  Fax: 99412-4969574


Editorial Office: 15th Khatai ave., AZ1008, Baku, Azerbaijan

The journal has a full-text electronic version in English and Russian languages at the site: (Journal – Archive). Free access. Reviewing and publication of articles are free of charges

 Circulation – 500

© International Organization for Legal Researches, 2018

© “Tafaccur” University, 2018




Alizada C.Sh., Valiyeva A.Q., Aliyev B.A.

The problems that extremism has created in the modern epoch some aspects of struggling with it …………………………………………………………………………….. 19

Alizada C.Sh. Valiyeva A.Q., Aliyev B.A. The problems that extremism…

Valiyeva A.Q., Alizada C.Sh.

Influence of ethnic extremism on international relations and its political and legal aspects ………………………………………………………………………………………. 43

Valiyeva A.Q., Alizada C.Sh. Influence of ethnic…

Gasimova N.A., Edilov E.Z.

Psychological aspects of motives of terrorist activity …………………………………… 64

Gasimova N.A., Edilov E.Z. Psychological aspects…

Gulaliyeva R.A.

Current problems of improvement criminal legislation taking into account gender approach …………………………………………………………………………………….. 88

Gulaliyeva R.A. Current problems of improvement…

Edilov E.Z., Gasimova N.A., Aliyev B.A.

Political extremism in Azerbaijan ………………………………………………………… 109

Edilov E.Z., Gasimova N.A., Aliyev B.A. Political extremism…

Ismailova S.R.

National interest in the system of political realism …………………………………….. 126

Ismailova S.R. National interest in the system…

Muradova V.Kh.

Legal resolution of international conflicts as principle of ensuring of global security ..142

Muradova V.Kh. Legal resolution of international… 

Mutallimov A.N., Suleymanov J.I.

Stages of lawyer investigation …………………………………………………………… 163

Mutallimov A.N., Suleymanov J.I. Stages of lawyer… 

Rahimov I.M.

Death penalty: to be or not to be ………………………………………………………... 183

Rahimov I.M. Death penalty: to be…

Suleymanov J.I.

What to do if a judge is stupid? ………………………………………………………….. 204

Suleymanov J.I. What to do if…

Teymurov A.A.

Manage internal supervision and supervision of prosecutor over prosecution of investigation procedures …………………………………………………………………. 233

Teymurov A.A. Manage internal supervision…

Shiraliyeva N.A.

A system of the principles of international law …………………………………………. 256 

Shiraliyeva N.A. A system of the principles of international law

Guidelines for Authors  …………………………………………………………………. 266

Guidelines for Authors

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