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Great Britain copies outdated legislation of Azerbaijan

British Prime Minister David Cameron has made ​​a legislative initiative to establish as a criminal offense action – a crime – forcing a woman to getting married.

He bothered by the fate of British Muslim women who allegedly forced to married off in Pakistan. Has life in the foggy Albion and its surroundings deteriorated so much that people prefer to it living in troubled Pakistan which is systematically subjected to square-cluster bombardment unceremonious American warriors?

We will not interfere in internal affairs of another state. We are not allowing ourselves this and unable to. While, we can not allowing.

Reason is different. Until 2000 the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan had Article 128 “Forcing a woman to getting married, or hindering of marriage”.

This article did not include in new Penal Code. On recommendations of the know-alls of the Council of Europe and its constituent commissions our local know-alls removed of the article or forgot about it. And Cameron recalled it.

That is why it is right those who say that before following the advice of someone else use your head. Of course, if it is available: mind and head.

It is possible that in Azerbaijan forcing women to getting marriage as criminal action exhausted itself, eradicated and no need in criminal responsibility for it anymore.

Try to force getting our women marriage against their will. It is especially after the Eurovision Song Contest.

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