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Police arrest suspects in number of burglary

Employees of the Goychay district police department detained suspects of committing a series of thefts in the region,, the information Internet portal  reports.

Thus, according to the report, the police received appeals in connection with the theft of metal structures totaling about 2,000 manats, committed in the regional center and the villages of Ikinji Arabjabirli and Gyzylagach.

Based on the appeals of citizens, law enforcement agencies conducted an operation, as a result of which, on suspicion of committing crimes, the previously convicted Orkhan Abduragimli, as well as Seyran Ismayilov, Tarlan Hasanov, and the driver Gazanfar Farzaliyev, whose GAZelle was used to transport stolen goods, were detained.

In their testimony, the detainees confessed to their deed and stated that the stolen metal structures were sold at non-ferrous metal collection points.

According to these facts, an investigation is ongoing in the Goychay Regional Unitary Enterprise.

The involvement of O. Abduragimli, S. Ismayilov and T. Hasanov in other similar crimes is not ruled out. Citizens who have suffered from their illegal actions can report this to service 102 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the district police department.

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