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Woman arrested on suspicion of robbery

A resident of the Hovsan settlement of the Surakhani district of Baku was assaulted, reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country.

Thus, an unknown person approached a woman heading home and, using force, took away her bag, which contained 200 manats and documents.

Employees of the RUP on suspicion of committing a crime detained a resident of the village Shakhana Nabizade.

In her testimony, she admitted that she tracked down a woman who had withdrawn money from an ATM and then attacked her.

During the investigation, it turned out that the detainee also stole from an apartment in the village of Hovsan.

Based on these facts, a criminal case has been initiated. Shakhana Nabizade was brought to the investigation as a defendant, the investigation is ongoing.

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