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Severe sentence for a mullah who killed a mother of three

The Lankaran Court of the Grave Crimes has sentenced mullah Murad Askerov, accused of murdering a woman in Lerik, reports. By a court decision, he was imprisoned for a period of 12 years and 8 months.

Dissatisfied with the verdict, M. Askerov filed an appeal. However, the Shirvan Court of Appeal did not satisfy it and upheld the verdict of the court of first instance.

The incident occurred on April 28, 2021 in the village of Barzavu, Lerik region.

M. Askerov (born in 1972) entered the house of fellow villager Zakifa Farziyeva (born in 1981), knowing that she was alone. The man tried to rape her, but she started screaming and calling for help from neighbors. Then M. Askerov killed a woman by cutting her throat with a knife that he carried in his pocket.

M. Askerov was detained. During interrogation, he confessed to the crime.

The investigating body charged him under Articles 120.1 (premeditated murder) and 157.1 (violation of housing integrity, entry into a dwelling against the will of a person living in it) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Z. Farziyeva left three children.

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