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Arrested a person who transporting the drug in a car

A resident of the city of Lankaran, Vusal Huseynov, born in 1981, previously convicted under Articles 177 (theft) and 234 (illicit drug trafficking) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, transported drugs in a Daewoo car, the information Internet portal reports with reference to the head of the Department for Media and Public Relations of the Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police Major Elshada Hajiyeva.

According to him, yesterday, during an event held by employees of the 7th station of the Binagadi district police department, the suspect, trying to escape, directed the car at the police.

However, the police stopped the vehicle with a shot in the wheel. According to the driver, he did not expect the police to open fire and saw the tenacity of the police in the fight against drugs. During the inspection, a large consignment of heroin, as well as psychotropic substances, was found and seized in his car and in his car.

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