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Detained for drug trafficking

Employees of the Balakan District Police Department detained a resident of the Tyulu village of Dinar Seyidov, who was found to have marijuana during a personal search, the information Internet portal reports.

Thus, during the investigation, it turned out that D. Seyidov, who works as a butcher at the local market, purchased the drug from his client named Ali for 50 manats.

Investigators have identified the drug dealer. It turned out to be Ali Akhmedov, a resident of the Talalar village, previously convicted for a similar crime. He was arrested and taken to the district police department. During a personal search, marijuana was found in A. Akhmedov. During a search of his home, marijuana was found and confiscated as material evidence, as well as hemp in 5 glass jars hidden in the basement of the house among the blanks with jam.

According to these facts, a criminal case has been initiated, the investigation continues.

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