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Police special operation: drug traffickers detained

In result of operational activities, officers of the Ujar district police department detained four people suspected of theft and drug trafficking. Among them is a man wanted for drugs, reports.

Thus, previously convicted local residents Elshan Huseynov and Rustam Gulamov were detained while trying to steal a one-ton water tank from a house in the village of Alpout.

During the investigation, their involvement in the theft of iron pipes and other building materials was established. The thieves sold the stolen goods and used the money they received to buy drugs.

In addition, the police managed to detain Javid Guliyev, a native of the Aghdam region, who has a repeated conviction for the sale of narcotic drugs and was put on the criminal wanted list under article 234.1 (illegal manufacture, production, purchase, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors). ) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as a local resident Vugar Jabrailov.

Both persons were found to have methamphetamine, heroin and marijuana, as well as electronic scales.

Criminal cases have been initiated in the Ujar district police department on these facts, and the investigation continues.

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