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Council of Europe will use the experience of Azerbaijan for observance of detainees rights

A debate on necessity of observation the rights of detainees on suspicion in committing crimes is flared up in the EU.
The second week “Euronews”   channel shows advertising video that the rights of detainees must be explained in writing so that they might use it.
It turns out this has not been done until now and in fact the rights of detainees are violated in the EU scale.
Indeed, it is better late than never.
Since 2000 Azerbaijan has a law obliging to law enforcement personnel to notify detainees of their rights in writing, to explain comprehensibly it content and provide a memo about rights. Unexplained rights or incomplete or incorrect explanation of them are a violation of the law which is drawing an inadmissibility of evidence.
It turns out that the know-alls who are employed in various institutions of the Council of Europe taught and teach us what they do not know.
According to information from reliable sources the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan has appointed two special rapporteurs who are going to the EU to conduct seminars and workshops. Of course, if they are given visas.

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