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Members of organized financial pyramid detained by police

Members of an organized group were detained – representatives of the Crowd-1 company in Azerbaijan, which embezzled money from citizens, creating a financial pyramid, reports

Thus, on the basis of numerous complaints received from victims, as a result of operational measures carried out by employees of the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime, Amin Huseynov, Alovsat Mazandarov, Sabakhir Farzaliyev, Yasin Amirli and Goychak Dunyamaliev, as well as the organizer of the fraudulent network Habil Badalov.

In their testimony, they admitted that Crowd-1 is a pyramid scheme. During the inspection of their offices in Baku and Ganja, electronic evidence was found and seized.

Those who joined the pyramid were promised that when purchasing one of the three proposed packages (the price of one of them ranged from 99 to 2,499 euros), they would receive discounts on various platforms (gaming, educational, etc.), and for each Crowd-1 person – monthly income.

A criminal case was initiated on this fact, Gabil Badalov and other detainees were brought to the investigation.

A measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen against them by a court decision.

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