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Suspects detained in a series of robbery attacks

Suspects of a robbery were detained in Baku, the information Internet portal reports.

So, on November 25, 2021, the 28th police station of the Yasamal district received information about a robbery attack in the Ganly Gel residential area on a resident of the capital Kh. Dadashov. The attackers stunned the man with a bottle on the head, and then took away the money, mobile phone and shoes.

The next day, information was received that four men beat a foreign citizen and took 100 manats and a mobile phone worth 1,500 manats from him.

As a result of operational-search activities, police officers on suspicion of these crimes detained natives of Ujar district A. Musayev, Yevlakh – A. Mamedov, N. Rahimli and Balakan – S. Ovchiyev.

In the course of further investigation, their involvement in the robbery attacks on November 13, 2021 against S. Khanlarov, A. Azimov and V. Nuriyev and the theft of money, a silver chain, a bracelet, watches, mobile phones, headphones and glasses from them was established.

The investigation into these facts is ongoing.

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