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Criminal case of the former chairman of the board of “Azerkhalcha” OJSC V. Muradov terminated

The trial on the criminal case of the former chairman of the board of Azerkhalcha OJSC Vidadi Muradov, who died under house arrest shortly after his arrest, has ended, APA reports.

On January 28, 2022, the lawyer of the late Vidadi Muradov, Vugar Babayev, spoke at the Baku Grave Crimes Court chaired by Judge Afgan Hajiyev. He petitioned for termination of the criminal case on rehabilitating grounds, removal of the arrest from property of the accused. The lawyer noted that of the arrested property, the accused owns only “Azerİlme” and the non-residential territory adjacent to it and the house on Hasan Aliyev Street. Part of the other property belonged to the accused even before he served as chairman of the OJSC, part belonged to his son Aydin Muradov.

The verdict was read at the trial. According to the judgement, Vidadi Muradov was found guilty under the articles presented. In connection with the death of the accused, the criminal case was terminated on non-rehabilitating grounds without sentencing.

It was noted that the civil claim filed by the State Tax Service of the Ministry of Economy, recognized as the injured party in the criminal case, in amount of 640,922 manats should be satisfied, and this amount should be transferred to the state budget.

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