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Brother testified against deceased brother

The Baku Court for Grave Crimes continues the trial of the late ex-deputy of the Milli Majlis Rafael Jabrayilov (who died from coronavirus in a pre-trial detention center), who was arrested in April 2021 on charges of fraud on an especially large scale, reports.

During the court session, one of the founders of Darkhal LLC, Jabrayilov’s brother, Rauf, was interrogated, who stated that his brother actually managed the company, while he had no authority.

So, Aida Jabrayilova, the widow of the late ex-deputy, who previously acted as the legal successor of her husband, stated that Rauf Jabrayilov took money from the victims and appropriated it for himself. According to Aida, her husband, during his lifetime, told her that Rauf pocketed all the money, while calling his brother “a dishonorable person”.

In turn, Rauf Jabrayilov argued at the court session that “since Rafael was a member of parliament, he actually managed the company. And the legal founders were me and our other brother, Elshan. Our conflicts with Rafael were mainly due to the fact that my brother borrowed money at interest. I myself am a hajji, I told the brothers more than once: “Do not lend money at interest, this is haram! ..” Personally, I did not receive any interest from the sale of apartments. My founding share was 20 percent, while Elshan’s was 70 percent. Elshan was in charge of the company, and Rafael personally dealt with other issues. To be honest, Rafael appeared very rarely in the Milli Majlis, he mainly managed the company”.

According to Rauf Jabrayilov, he sold two hectares of land in the Binagadi district through Fikret, an acquaintance of Rafael. And after Fikret sold the land, he owed him 50,000 manats.

According to the indictment, Rafael Jabrayilov made a deliberately false promise to help a resident of Baku city with obtaining a bill of sale for two hectares of land in the Binagadi district, along M.A. Rasulzade Street, which he bought from Rauf Jabrayilov. The ex-deputy took from this person and appropriated 240,000 manats. In general, the late ex-deputy defrauded several million manats from different people.

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