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Criminal case of official accused of fraud sent to court

The preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of an appeal from a citizen who came to the district prosecutor’s office in connection with the illegal actions of the former deputy chairman of the Timiryazevsky municipality of the Guba region has been completed, the information Internet portal reports.

In the course of investigative measures carried out by the prosecutor’s office of the Guba region, reasonable suspicions arose that the former deputy chairman of the Timiryazevsky municipality, Mahir Bayramov, using his official position, decided to take possession of other people’s property through deceit and abuse of trust. In pursuit of this goal, he made false promises to individuals about assistance in the transfer to private ownership and lease of land plots owned by the municipality in the territory of the Timiryazev settlement. Having embezzled a total of 30,500 manats in this way, he incited a citizen to give a bribe under the pretext of transferring it to officials, and also carried out illegal construction work on a privately owned land plot.

M. Bayramov was charged as a defendant under 178.2.2, 178.2.3, 178.2.4 (repeated fraud with causing significant damage committed by a person using his official position) and other articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

During the investigation, the victims were provided with partial compensation for material damage. The case has been sent to the district court.

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