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Prosecutor’s office on the murder of a schoolboy

On November 18, 2021, the prosecutor’s office of the city of Mingachevir received information about the premeditated murder of Orkhan Kerimov, reports the online news portal

In the course of the ongoing investigation, reasonable suspicions arose that Alvan Gasimov, an acquaintance of the victim, on the basis of personal hostile relations, for the purpose of revenge, deliberately killed Orkhan Kerimov by shooting him 5 times with a Makarov pistol.

In fact, the prosecutor’s office of the city of Mingachevir initiated a criminal case under articles 120.1 (premeditated murder) and 228.1 (illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms, components for it, ammunition (except for smooth-bore hunting weapons and ammunition for it) , explosives or explosive devices) of the Criminal Code.

Alvan Gasimov was brought to the investigation as a suspect. The necessary investigative measures are ongoing in the case.

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