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Criminal case against director of lyceum sent to court

The Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General has completed the investigation of the criminal case against the director of the Tovuz vocational school Tanyrverdi Tanyrverdiyev, informs.

During the investigation, it was established that Tanyrverdi Tanyrverdiyev, having abused his official powers, forged official documents, embezzled and squandered money in the amount of 69,400 manats, received a bribe in the amount of 2,500 manats, promising to employ a person in the lyceum. In general, the amount of damage caused to the state is estimated at 122,500 manats.

T. Tanyrverdiyev was charged under articles 179.3.2, 308.2, 311.1, 313 and 314.2 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. The criminal case was sent for consideration to the Ganja Court for Grave Crimes.

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