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The head doctor’s criminal case sent to court

The Main Department for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan has completed the investigation of a criminal case in connection with the illegal actions of the head doctor of the Fuzuli Central Regional Hospital Natig Shukurov and others, reports.

During the investigation, reasonable suspicions were revealed that N. Shukurov, during his tenure as chairman of the medical advisory commission in 2018-2019, helped 15 persons who applied for the appointment of a disability group to apply for it without passing the commission. As a result, 23,400 manats were transferred to the bank cards of these persons.

In addition, N. Shukurov, in order to avoid exposing his criminal acts, entered into a criminal relationship with the head of the department of the hospital he headed, as well as a member of the medical advisory commission, Shafa Shukurova, and entered false information into official documents.

On the basis of sufficient evidence collected in the case, N. Shukurov was charged under Articles 308.1 (abuse of power) and 313 (forgery) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Sh. Shukurova – 32.5,313 (assistance to forgery) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The materials of the criminal case were sent to the court for consideration.

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