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The court made a decision against R. Mammadov

With regard to Rasim Mammadov, who introduced himself as the chairman of the public association “Coalition of Public Control”, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention for a period of three months, reports This decision was made at a meeting of the Sumgayit city court, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan reported.

On September 17, 2021, citizen R. Mammadov appeared at Azmetal LLC, located in the city of Sumgayit, and without any good reason, using obscene language, demanded that Deputy Director Ramiz Huseynov go outside. When R. Huseynov complied with the demand, R. Mammadov began to insult him, and then hit Sabir Ismayilov, a warehouseman with a mobile phone, on the head three times, inflicting injuries of varying severity on him.

On this fact, a criminal case was initiated under Article 221.3 (hooliganism committed with the use of weapons or objects used as weapons, if this was accompanied by the use of violence against the victim) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

On February 3, 2022, R. Mammadov was detained as a suspect.

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