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Criminal case initiated against the former principal of the school

The prosecutor’s office of the city of Mingachevir conducted an investigation on the basis of an appeal received from a citizen in connection with violations committed in the secondary school No. 3 of the city of Mingachevir, the Internet portal reports.

Thus, during the investigation, grounds for suspicion were identified that the former director of this school, Kamala Takhirova, during her tenure as director in 2013-2019, created conditions for paying a salary to a school cleaner in the total amount of 5,000 manats, while she did not go to work, and also abused her official powers when organizing additional classes, groups for electives.

In fact, the prosecutor’s office of the city of Mingachevir initiated a criminal case under articles of the Criminal Code 179.2.3 (misappropriation or waste committed by abuse of official powers), 308.1 (abuse of official powers) and 313 (forgery).

The criminal investigation is ongoing.

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