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The head of executive power accused of corruption confessed to bribery

During the trial, the former head of the Executive Power (EW) of the Yevlakh region, Goja Samedov, confessed to bribery, in which he is accused in a criminal case, reports. He noted that at present he does not remember the names of the people from whom he took money, and the size of the bribes themselves.

According to G. Samedov, he gathered in the meeting room of the Executive Office people who applied to him in connection with employment, and held a meeting with the participation of a lawyer, his deputy and the head of the Employment Department. During it, it turned out that 94 people did not go to work, although they were considered employed.

G. Samedov also admitted that during his tenure as head of the Executive Office, he received a bribe in the amount of 100,000 manats from the director of one of the LLCs, and also embezzled 262,633 manats from the fund established in the Executive Committee to assist the disabled of the Karabakh war, the families of martyrs and sick people.

The Sheki Court for Grave Crimes found G. Samedov guilty of abuse of office, repeated receipt of a large bribe, embezzlement and sentenced him to 7 years and 3 months in prison.

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