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Former chairman of municipality arrested

Aytaj Aliyeva, the former chairman of the municipality of Binagadi district of Baku, has been arrested, APA reports.

According to law enforcement agencies, Aytaj Aliyeva, together with her sister I. Aliyeva, committed fraud against two citizens. One of them was fraudulently embezzled with 200,000 manats, the other with 189,000 manats. At the same time, A. Aliyeva, on behalf of the municipality of Binagadi region, forged documents on the allocation of a land plot, after which she sold it.

In a criminal case initiated by the Investigation Department of the Main Police Department of the city of Baku, A. Aliyev is charged under Art. 178.2.3 (Fraud) and Art. 320.1 (Forgery or illegal production of a certificate or other official document granting rights or exempting from obligations, for the purpose of its use, or sale of such a document, as well as production for the same purposes or sale of counterfeit state awards of the Azerbaijan Republic, stamps, seals, forms) of the Criminal Code , I. Aliyeva was brought as a defendant under Art. 178.2.3 (Fraud), in relation to them a preventive measure in the form of arrest was chosen by a court decision.

The investigation into the case is ongoing.

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