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The trial of the head physician and his deputy began

A preparatory hearing on the criminal case of the head physician of the united city hospital No. 23 Rasul Bakhshaliyev, his deputy Zinyat Ismayilov, hospital staff Afet Ibrahimova and Ali Aliyev has begun at the Baku Court for Grave Crimes, informs.

During the trial, chaired by Judge Telman Huseynov, the personal data of the accused were clarified. The court session is scheduled for November 11, 2021.

The Internet portal recalls that in the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan, following the results of the investigative and operational measures, reasonable suspicions were identified that Zinyat Ismayilova, who entered into a conspiracy and held the position of the head physician of the hospital until April 13, 2021, Rasul Bakhshaliyev, together with nurse Afet Ibrahimova and an employee Since 2015, Ali Aliyev’s hospitals have been cashing out and embezzling the wages of 36 medical workers who did not attend work. In total, they appropriated funds in the amount of 314,400 manats.

Based on the evidence obtained in the case, Rasul Bakhshaliyev, Zinyat Ismayilova, Afet Ibrahimova and Ali Aliyev were brought as defendants under articles 179.4, 308.2, 313 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The case was submitted for consideration to the Baku Court for Grave Crimes.

During the investigation, a return to the state budget of material damage in the amount of 112,000 manats was secured.

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