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Court session in the case of the former head of the housing department

In Shamkir, the preliminary investigation on the criminal case of the former head of the housing and maintenance section of the village of Kyur Vazekh Veliyev, who is accused of using violence against his subordinate, has been completed, APA reports.

The materials of the criminal case were sent for consideration to the Ganja Court for Grave Crimes. The criminal case was transferred to the proceedings of Nural Aliyev.

APA notes that on March 4, 2021, Aliya Kazimova, a worker of the housing and maintenance section of the village of Kyur, was beaten by the head of this housing department, Vazekh Veliyev.

On the fact of inflicting injuries on A. Kazimova, a criminal case was initiated against V. Veliyev under Article 309.2 of the Criminal Code.

V. Veliyev was detained as a suspect.

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