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Judgment in the case of embezzlement and tax evasion

The judicial investigation on the criminal case of the founder and director of Gullubulag LLC Fizuli Adigezalov, accused of embezzlement of a large amount of money and tax evasion, has been completed. According to the court verdict, F. Adigozalov was sentenced to ten years in prison, reports.

The materials of the investigation indicate that F. Adygezalov imported various products from Turkey in 2011-2015. He paid the cost of goods and customs duties in the amount of 1 million 885 thousand manats at the expense of the LLC, but did not return the money received from the sale of goods.

In addition, there were solid suspicions that from 2011 to 2015, F. Adigozalov deliberately evaded paying taxes to the state budget, underpaying a total of 8,396,000 manats. F. Adigozalov was charged under Articles 179.3.2 (large scale embezzlement) and 213.2.2 (large scale tax evasion) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan.

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