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Police seize firearms

The Barda regional police department received information that on November 1, at about 20:00, in the territory of the village of Mirzalybeyli, a resident of the village A. Nasirov during the conflict in the car “VAZ-21102” driven by a resident of the Terter region A. Bagirov stabbed into the hand of the driver, and then got out of the car and ran away, after a while A.Bagirov took a machine gun from the trunk of the car and, arriving at his house, opened fire in the air in the yard of the house, after which he got into the car and left, APA reports.

The police immediately took appropriate action.

A. Bagirov was detained, an AK assault rifle, a magazine for it and 1 cartridge were found and confiscated from him. A medical examination revealed that he was moderately intoxicated.

A criminal case has been initiated on the fact under article 228.1 of the Criminal Code (illegal acquisition, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of firearms, their components, ammunition and explosives).

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